Saturday, January 14, 2012

18 months and 16 weeks

my babies are growing.

here's what happening with baby #2...

16 weeks (plus a few days)

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

we have an ultrasound monday, and are hoping to see a quick peek at the genitalia.
actually, i've been counting down the days, so i think i will be a little more than disappointed if we can't.
i have been feeling some baby flutters, and have finally put on a few pounds.
i am starting to feel a little more like myself... less anxious and sleeping better.
it seems kinda strange to say i have post-partum depression again, because i am not POST partum and I'm not depressed either.
But the symptoms are the same as after Eli.
I have learned what I have is called peri-natal mood disorder.
in other words... my brain does not like hormone changes that go with pregnancy.
but this time i knew what to do and i am feeling better.
this pregnancy could not be more different than Eli's.
but I guess no 2 pregnancies ever are. 
 i really wasn't mentally prepared for how difficult being pregnant while chasing/carrying around a 30lb toddler would be.
when do i get my 3 hour naps I had with Eli? :)

as for baby #1...
mr. eli....
well mr. eli is testing the waters.
he has no fear, including fear of discipline (from his momma).
well, and a fear that his mommy is going to abandon him every time she leaves the room.
holy seperation anxiety.
one day this week, mike literally had to peel him off me, while he screamed momma momma momma with crocodile tears....
and i'm supposed to go to work after this?
and not cry myself.
i hope this phase does not last too long.
of course, he was fine and playing with his tractor 2 minutes later.
and I was driving to work trying to figure out how I could work it out to NEVER go to work again.
( i have no photos to go along with that lovely moment)
mr. eli is 18 months old today.
he truly is the smartest little boy that i have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
and i get to raise him?
and love him?
and he looks at me with those adoring blue eyes and I am his momma and sometimes I still don't believe it.
I am the momma.
to a now 18 month old.
aren't I still like 22?
no... i have some gray hairs i found and really shouldn't leave the house without make up, ever, and I have some wrinkles now... so yes i guess I am 31.
but sometimes, eli points to things and looks at me like i have every answer in the world.
whatever i tell him, that's the gospel to him.
he points to an RV all the time in a book he has.
i always tell him it's a "van".
Simplify for the 18 month old.
until we are driving past an RV lot and he is freaking out pointing at all the "vans",( which sounds like "mans". )
the kid really listens.

and somehow i messed up the color thing.
he knows his colors mostly, but he also calls everything that is colored -- purple.
it is so endearing, and such an eli thing to do... but I'm beginning to wonder when another color will exist.
now his new thing is counting.
he wants to point and have you count EVERYthing.
all the while you are counting, he just repeats "two".
so for this stage of his life. there are TWO PURPLE TRACTORS.
those are really all the vocabulary words we need in Eli language.
i thought about counting and making a list of all the words he DOES say. I'm sure there are over a hundred.
He goes to his 18 month check-up this week and I'm am secretly pleased that he is a little language over achiever. I would love it if he put some words together. Like bye bye momma.
 or maybe used his words to communicate what he wants.
Mostly he decides to just CRY and whine and point when he wants something.
 He does have quite the vocabulary though, and for that I am grateful.
And to think of all the time I worried about autism.
I guess now I can turn my worries about that to baby #2.
they are right when they say the worry never ends.

He also has a crap diet, which is typical of his age I suppose.
just last week I wrote that pancakes, bananas and blueberries are always a go.
you can now take all 3 of those off the list if you were counting.
so wait, you wanted a picture or two?
anna jack stopped by tonight for a surprise visit.
after dinner Eli had an "after dinner snack" and I got him all excited for some low fat chocolate pudding.
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 Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

eli has a pillow in his bed now.
he loves it, and it has lead to some major bed head.
as mike says... eli's new pillow is kicking his ass.
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my mom was here for an overnight visit, which turned into 3 overnights because of the weather.
she got lots of bonding time with Eli, and I got to put my feet up a little more than usual.
 She gave me a few "tips" on managing little boy when he is acting out.
so far she has been right on.... maybe because she raised 3 boys herself?

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this sweet sweet little boy... he is my everything.
he is a LOT of work... but I love it all.
i love him so much that I sit through a half hour of the ridiculousness that is yo gabba gabba every night while we cuddle on the couch.
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he is half way to 2 and almost halfway to becoming a BIG brother.
my little boy.

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