Sunday, January 15, 2012

snow boy

today we played outside in the snow.
i would say it was a hit.
although little boy just loves to be OUTdoors, so i think he was just happy to be out there.
it was funny seeing him in his big ol' snow pants and trying to run around in the deep snow.


we walked all around the yard and the house, and i held his hands when it was too deep for him to walk.


he kept repeating... saaaannnooooo.....
and cold.


he was surprisingly good about putting on snow pants, gloves, hat, boots... etc.
we have a decent sized house, but i guess everyone likes to get out every once and awhile. :)
(besides our trips to target of course)

how funny it was to see the cats from the OUTside.

it's been awhile since we messed with the cats outside.

we finally came in and got warmed up.
poor little guy has some chapped lips tonight...
so off to bed he went with his pacifier and vaseline lubed lips.


this time tomorrow we might know sister or brother....

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