Thursday, January 19, 2012

Eli's little brother

17 weeks:

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Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — his lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and he's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. He can move his joints, and his sweat glands are starting to develop.

this baby also has the parts to make a boy.
a boy!
i'm gonna be a momma to 2 boys.
i am officially outnumbered. ;)

and we think eli is excited to have a little brother.
or atleast to decorate his room purple.

it's funny how learning the sex changes the pregnancy so much.
i really don't understand how people don't find out.
it doesn't seem real until you know what it is.
it seems like there is this idea that another baby is coming, but it is so hard to imagine what it will be like.
but suddenly, now we know eli is having a little brother...
and within minutes we can imagine the rest of their lives together.
when i feel him squirming around in there, i can picture him in my mind.

eli has a partner in crime.

Eli went to his 18 month check up this week.
He is 29 lb 10 oz, still in the 93rd percentile, even though he couldn't really care less about food lately.
he got his last shot til kindergarten (wow, kindergarten, that seems crazy) and he hates the doctor even more than he did last time.
this time though, we had some comic relief during his scream-fest while the doctor examined him...
we all know how freezing cold the doctors hands always are.
eli let him know too.
in the midst of his screaming/crying to get-this-strange-man-to-stop-touching-me... he yells COLD, then continues to scream, cry.
even superman hates cold doctor hands.
(superman has a pink iphone too)

my new favorite word that eli uses incorrectly... hole.
almost as great as purple and two... he calls the washer AND dryer "hole".
when he hears the washer spinning, "hole."
over and over until i agree.
i was teaching him to put the dirty clothes in the hole.
(might as well train em young!)
so it's my fault, really.

also my fault, the gatorade.
we always have gatorade in our fridge.
grape is my favorite.
about 3 weeks ago he noticed purple in the fridge.
so i got all the gatorade out, lined them up on the floor, and we practiced our colors.
now, EVERY time i open the fridge, purple, purple, purple.
and i can't just get out the grape one.
i have to get them ALL out, and i better not leave one, because he will see it.
oh, that child has me wrapped around his finger.

atleast if i'm gonna have all boys, they will be momma's boys.

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