Thursday, March 1, 2012

any day now

we are sick. still.
eli and i have been to the doctor finally and we both have ear infections and sinus infections.
(i have never had a sinus infection in my life. neither has eli. it is not fun!)
we both also have RXs for amoxicillin.
none of this has really slowed little boy down. 
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almost just the opposite, because now he is refusing to nap.
once we get home next week i am planning on showing him who's boss and he does NOT decide the sleep schedule around here. 
eli has started to put some words together.
like choo-choo tracks
big stool
blue cup
it's really cute because he still leaves a big pause between the words.
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he also does the hand gestures for itsy bitsy spider. 
and likes to carry around this cooler/lunch bag like a man purse.
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Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
grandma thinks maybe he should keep some personal items in there, like wipes and maybe some tractors.   :)

23 weeks today.
my belly is enormous already.
i'm not taking a picture of it.
customers have already started to say to me: any day now...?
this week i will tell you pregnancy is not fun and i don't like it.
i am sick and cranky and emotional and tired.
here's hoping tomorrow i feel a little more human now that i have started antibiotics.
on a positive note, i had to take my wedding ring off by now when i was pregnant with Eli and my feet/ankles were swelling pretty big.
so far no swelling. fingers crossed.
good thing pregnancy produces this:
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and makes it all worth while.
i'm not good at having babies but i like the babies i make:)


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