Tuesday, September 11, 2012

nieces & nephews

Today's post is brought to you from a sick little boy...
you can see it in his eyes, even though he was a trooper all day (when his fever was down.)
We made it 2 years and almost 2 months with no fever. ever.
Kinda hard to believe, but we've broken our streak. 
oreo mini's help too.
but little buddy doesn't let a little fever slow him down.
he had rocks to haul god dammit.
(gosh darnit, sorry grandma)
momma, this buck-kick hEAVey
we headed out to our (not) gorgeous pond at twilight to throw some rocks and get out of the house for a little while. 
But something about that time of day creeps me out back there. All I can think of is coyotes, which makes me think of werewolves and vampires in Twilight. 
Needless to say our rock throwing was short lived. 
I told Eli I saw a snake, so he headed inside with me willingly.
yeah, nakes in nere. yeah. nakes.
 Little sammy does what ever I tell him.
Such a good boy.
he's taking over the lead for most frequent smiler.

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and best sleeper.
and cutest butt in a pair of jeans.  (him and eli are tied.)
Eli is winning for best pee-wee herman impression.

Not that we compete. 
Because I already know my boys are the best. 
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and the smartest, and the cutest, and the funniest...
no child in the world has ever been as perfect to me as these two.
except these two...

I spent all my life growing up with brothers, wishing for sisters.
And hoping and praying for little girls.
And as much as I beg Mike to let me try one more time for a little girl (and I'm not saying I'm going to stop asking!)....
well I really do have the next best thing.
See, because with brothers come sister-in-laws.
and then comes NIECES.
and as much as we can't make little girls in this family,
Michael and Michelle are making up for our boys with girls.  :)

I love that we love each others children just like our own.
I love that Gracie and Eli are friends now.
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I love that we could have a sleep over in our basement
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while the adults drank at the bar (in our basement.)
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Yes, we have our babies. In a bar. :)

I love that when Michelle and I took the babies to the mall, people thought they were twins.
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I mean, if Anna shaved her head and started over...
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just maybe they might look alike.
anna decided to start smiling that day -- 4 weeks old.
I hate that we live so far apart, but I love that we can get together and have everything be just right...
mike and mike (ha!) get to talk their fantasy football and  working out and eating good while michelle and i talk about everything until our hearts are content...
all the while the boys are ignoring us, which is just fine.
So there... i have it.
my boys and my girls.
and it feels just right.

and we will forgive Gracie for bringing her virus to our house, because we love her that much. :)

Eli seems to be just fine as long as I keep his fever down.

and Sammy had a slight fever but as of right now doesn't have one.
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Fingers crossed that I get sleep tonight before my 12 hour day tomorrow.

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