Tuesday, September 18, 2012

attention walmart shoppers

you are all idiots. 
tonight, after working 11 hours and missing my kids all day, i stopped at walmart.
 (eli has a pinterest project ahead of him tomorrow, he just doesn't know it yet. )

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the man (boy?) in front of me in line was buying diapers. He said to the cashier ...
my baby (yes, baby!) will have to DEAL with the trial pack of diapers, because daddy needs his beer money.
I'm not sure how a baby DEALS with that, other than sitting in a messy diaper all day long.
That makes me sick.
And these are the people that God gives babies to with minimal (accidental?) effort. 

today i was gone all the hours that eli was awake, but I did see sammy this morning.
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 i can't wait to spend a day at home with all FOUR of us tomorrow.
We are using our beer money for diapers this week. The jumbo pack.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been prouder to be a person who regularly spends my beer money on diapers! Thanks for giving me a better way of looking at the cost of keeping Claire and Jack smelling fresh :)


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