and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for the Mother, who was busting butt to make sure everything was perfect for everyone.
ok, the Father helped too.
we had milk and cookies, and then set milk and cookies out for santa.
(and carrots for the reindeer.)
the whole "be on your best behavior because santa is watching" ploy?... ya, totally not working with Eli.
He has decided this week to be a toddler pain in the ass, dramatic, kicking, screaming, crying, whining...
he doesn't give a shit if santa's watching or not.
oooh, eli... what's THIS?!?
Eli don't wike sharing.
Sammy is plotting his revenge for a few months from now... once he figures out how to get around.
6 months old today Sammy Sam.
happy half birthday buddy.
you are getting so big.
not crawling or sitting just yet... but it's not too far away.
You love your big brother.
and he loves you... (whether he always shows it or not!)
You have been talking and jabbering like mad this week.
And you have adopted this new strange laugh.
You are such a pleasant happy guy, and you LOVE to eat cereal and sweet potatoes.
You have mastered rolling, and that is what you love to do... roll and roll and roll.
we love you so so much.
6 months ago we didn't know YOU or your little personality.
and today, you have half our hearts.
have yourself a merry little christmas.
MY family has to do christmas while missing a big part of our family for the first time, my grandpa.
Christmas won't be Christmas without him.
it's lucky for me i have these boys to still make christmas magical at our house.
He has decided this week to be a toddler pain in the ass, dramatic, kicking, screaming, crying, whining...
he doesn't give a shit if santa's watching or not.
oooh, eli... what's THIS?!?
Eli don't wike sharing.
Sammy is plotting his revenge for a few months from now... once he figures out how to get around.
6 months old today Sammy Sam.
happy half birthday buddy.
you are getting so big.
not crawling or sitting just yet... but it's not too far away.
You love your big brother.
and he loves you... (whether he always shows it or not!)
You have been talking and jabbering like mad this week.
And you have adopted this new strange laugh.
You are such a pleasant happy guy, and you LOVE to eat cereal and sweet potatoes.
You have mastered rolling, and that is what you love to do... roll and roll and roll.
we love you so so much.
6 months ago we didn't know YOU or your little personality.
and today, you have half our hearts.
have yourself a merry little christmas.
MY family has to do christmas while missing a big part of our family for the first time, my grandpa.
Christmas won't be Christmas without him.
it's lucky for me i have these boys to still make christmas magical at our house.
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