Wednesday, August 21, 2013


vomit. yuck. I hate vomit.
somehow I have made it 3 years and some months with 2 kids, and no one has puked. sam spits up sometimes... but tonight he full fledged PUKED in his car seat on our way home from Polaris.
I hope he's not coming down with something (the stomach flu!?!?!? My biggest fear in life!)
He acted fine all day, although he wouldn't eat his dinner.
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he is quite the little walker now. he walked around the mall tonight like he owned the place. picking up shirts off the shelf at gap like he was headed to the check out to purchase.

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I caught him "answering" the phone.
he says "hello" -(more like "hwaa?") and holds the phone against his shoulder.
it's pretty cute and pretty ironic because eli used to do the exact same thing.
eli's has a new favorite form of entertainment...
trying on my shoes, flip-flops, boots, heels, etc.
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for hours at a time.
he has also learned THIS new trick...

eli is continuing on with his disagreeable personality.
I know it's going to be a rough day when I go to get him from his room in the morning and he yells "DONT OPEN MY DOOR!"
I can't imagine the teenage years!
he says "I'm not hungry"
"I'm hungry, I want cereal"
as you get the cereal... "I don't WANT cereal!"
What do you want ELI!?!?!?
"ANYTHING!" (which is his equivalent to nothing.)
He also wants us to FEED him.
Like spoon feed him his cereal.
And we do it. sometimes.
I tried a super nanny approach and refused to do it for a few days.
And for a few days (3 to be exact), he ate nothing besides a few grapes and a few bites of cereal.
The guilt took over, even though I know he will eat if he got hungry enough.
What happens to the three year old brain to make them ACT like this!?
So he is 3 years and a month, and refuses with all his has in him to sit on the potty.
I have never meant a more stubborn child.
I wanted him to apologize to sam yesterday... so we went to time out until he was ready.
20 minutes later, NO, I'm not saying sorry.
back to time out.
20 minutes later, NOPE, not saying sorry.
an hour or more into this I just gave up and settled with eli agreeing that yes he loves sam and yes he needs to be nice to him. No apology, no kiss for sam.
I'm telling you... STUBBORN.
so I am just imagining him in diapers in kindergarten and needing to be spoon fed by his teacher.
i'm failing as a mother I think.
BUT, I cleaned up vomit tonight.
so i'm not failing in all areas.


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