Monday, September 15, 2014

Sept 15

Today was a perfect sunshiney fall Sunday. I worked today, but mike and the boys had a full day -- with a trip to the park (where they found this fantastic loader!!), a trip to wauwau and papa's, and playtime outside. 
No matter what they do, when asked what his most FAVORITE part of his day was ... Sammy always says "play trucks" with a smirk. 
Eli is pretty consistent with the same answer, although sometimes he will throw in "watching peppa", or "having a snack." (The boy loves his snacks!!) 
We have been talking a lot at bedtime about things that are much too huge for his 4 year old understanding ... Like heaven and Jesus and do you drive to heaven. ? 
We recently went to the library for the first time. We got a library card and checked out 7 books. We have read them all... But one book in particular, we have read 50 times. 

It's a little scary, about mysterious noises in the trees at night. The first time we read it, Eli was getting up and trying to walk away, but he wanted me to keep reading while he looked over my shoulder. He said "this book is VERY scary!"  
Now we have to go back to the SAME page where Francis realizes the noise was just another cat. And we have to discuss, why is he making that face? Why are his eyes like that? Why is he in that tree branch? Why is he scared? 

We have 3 weeks to keep this book. It has only been 2 days. I wonder how many times we will read it??  

Sammy surprised me tonight when he could name off every number he saw, including zero. And most letters. NOT in order, but when I randomly held one up. I knew he was learning from Eli, but I didn't realize he was a little tiny Einstein!! :) 
These two...

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